
 1. 「不要怕,我的朋友,有我在!」 Reddit / Federer45   2. 抓紧一点! Reddit / Scriblette 廣告1   3. 「一踏进诊所门口,我一定会赏大家我的便便。」 Reddit / letibeti   4. 「我知道你在想什么。」 Reddit / rachelspeaking 廣告2   5. 「你知道他们是怎么帮我

September 19, 2015

 1. 「不要怕,我的朋友,有我在!」

"Be strong, my friend. We can do this."

Reddit / Federer45


2. 抓紧一点!

His claws dig deeper into the upholstery the closer they get.

Reddit / Scriblette


3. 「一踏进诊所门口,我一定会赏大家我的便便。」

"I am so going to poop on the floor when we get there."

Reddit / letibeti


4. 「我知道你在想什么。」

"Isn't Petco on the other side of town?"

Reddit / rachelspeaking


5. 「你知道他们是怎么帮我测体温的吗!?」

"Do you even KNOW how they take my temperature??"

Reddit / Balizzm


6. 「不是说好要去泡温泉的吗?」

"Wait, this isn't the spa!"

Reddit / beerdybrew


7. 「你会一直陪着我的,对吧?」

"You won't leave my side, right?"

Reddit / lowspeedlowdrag


8. 「我已经很认真在把这里幻想成草地了。」

"I can't help but notice this is not grass."

Reddit / The_Real_Gilgongo


9. 「再给我多几千个这东西,我才出去。」

"I might come out for about a thousand more of those."

Reddit / theduke71


10. 「给我滚!」

"Back off, buster."

Reddit / VoxDolorum


11. 「拜托,可以让我回家吗?」

"Can we please go home?"

Reddit / victoria-n


12. 「我不要,不要,不要!」

"Nope, nope, nope."

Reddit / Misaniovent


13. 「有我在!」

"I will protect you, sister."

Reddit / mcfurrball


14. 「不看的话应该不会很痛。呃…..不,还是很痛!」

"It's not so bad if I don't look...no, wait, it's still bad."

Reddit / IvanPaw-lov


15. 「今晚给我小心一点。」

"I know where you sleep."

Reddit / DisgruntledPlebian


16. 夸张!箱子都拆烂了。

"Took apart my cat's crate at the vet because he wouldn't come out." #Fail

Reddit / YoBooMaFoo


17. 眼神好楚楚可怜喔~

Puppy eye game is so strong right now.

Reddit / braproductions


18. 「为什么要带我来诊所?」

"Why can't we just cuddle?"

Reddit / foxfirewisp


19. 该听兽医的话,减肥!

Maybe he should have listened last time the vet said to go on a diet.

Reddit / MP-G


20. 唉,真烦闷!

The anguish is all too real.

Reddit / Kindle282


21. 「嘘….我是透明的。」

"Shh, I'm invisible."

Reddit / samrollins


22. 「你是怎么找到我的!?」

"How did you find me?"

Reddit / QuesoDog


23. 「妈咪….保护我们!」

"Mommmm, the scary doctor man is coming!"

Reddit / onlyoneavailable


24. 「你再过来,我就钻进去排水孔!」

"I will climb down this drain if I have to."

Reddit / SUTHbeats


25. 太不会玩躲猫猫了。

Hopefully her health is better than her stealth.

Reddit / crisfreda


26. 「帮我把抽屉关上!」

"Okay, now close it so he won't find me."

Reddit / Searingm1


27. 「我要逃狱!」

"I will escape this prison!"

Reddit / ekennedy51


28. 被背叛的表情。

The face of true betrayal.

Reddit / MittRomneysPlatform


29. 「我们回家吧,拜托…」

"Is this because of the shoes? I won't do it again, I promise!"

Reddit / Hogtownole


30. 要来的终究还是会来。

"So...my nemesis has arrived."

Reddit / tabi_m


31. 「我是世界上最悲情的狗狗,全都是你的错!」

"I am the saddest pup and it is ALL YOUR FAULT."

Reddit / panicphan420


32. 「这里没狗。」

Nope, no dogs here.

Reddit / amiker7709


33. 「我会报仇的,走着瞧!」


Reddit / shellythelast


34. 「你绝对抓不了我的!」

If he could get any further into that corner, he would.

Reddit / safari_safari


35. 「好,小声告诉我,要怎么逃出去?」

"Okay, what's our escape plan?"
Reddit / i_slept_with_batman


36. 「我是如此相信你。」

"I <em>trusted</em> you."

Reddit / Oda_nicullah



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